Set Up Your Business as a PMA Like No Other!
There is an entirely new world out there!
Think of the Possibilities
Imagine running your business without the strict regulations imposed by licensing requirements, inspections, employer requirements, being subject to fees, fines, excessive taxation, unlawful mandates and then you have the costs of compliance with attorneys and accountants and the list goes on. Sure, it sounds too good to be true but business owners across the land are doing it successfully. Learn more…
Understand how the law works
Many people don’t understand how the law works. The concept of jurisdiction and how it applies or doesn’t, as the case may be, just isn’t well understood. You haven’t been told the complete truth. Download our PDF ‘Things to Consider” to drill down on this. It’s a quick and powerful read. Click Here for a revelation.
Knowledge is the Key to Freedom
You’re on the path to discovery! We offer you a 2 hour webinar which will lay out the law on PMAs, its history, its impact and how business owners just like you are living in peace with no interference of any kind from ‘wanna be overlords’. Don’t miss this webinar. New lockdowns are planned. Time is short! Click Here
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What Independence Really Looks Like

What We Offer

Our VIP Business Owners Base PMA Benefits Package;
We’ll help you convert your business to a Private Member Association (PMA). The Lighthouse Law Club PMA Package is unlike any other and when you give it a full examination you will concur. The different layers of protection, the substance of the configuration, the expert knowledge that has gone into it, the back end support services and functionalities not to mention the huge additional benefits of membership in the lighthouse make this a package valued at many times it’s offered exchange.
– We start with Membership to THE LIGHTHOUSE LAW CLUB as the base camp
The Lighthouse provides almost endless resources to help you protect and preserve your freedom and prosperity. The only way to properly evaluate the numerous benefits involved here is to visit the main webpage found here Be sure to visit the testimonials page under ‘Membership’
– We then create a new entity for your business
Your existing company structure whether it is an LLC, an S Corp or any other may still be useful in a limited way. However, the PMA itself will be in the form of a unique, irrevocable unincorporated business organization created in the form of a private, contractual trust. This is a unique and extremely powerful animal. If all you have is a document package including boiler plate Articles of Association – Bylaws – Membership Terms – Membership -Certification of PMA – 508(c)(1)(a) setup – you know, the usual PMA Starter Kit, especially if done by an attorney, Beware of statutory language which will keep you in the ‘corral’!
– Alternative Banking
Banking is the hook in your jaw. Ask any Canadian trucker or peaceful protester or any ‘put upon’ IRS taxpayer! This has to be looked at closely. If we can’t elinminate dependence on the traditional banking system we can surely minimize it.
– Your Personal Tax Status
One of the many HUGE benefits available in your Lighthouse Law Club membership is the ‘IRS Freedom Course’ which will provide you everything you need to safely correct your taxpayer status according to law to be FREE from the IRS forever and sleep well every night. What’s that worth?
– Agreements & Contracts
Once the new business entity is in place you’ll need member agreements and related operating contracts for the outside world and related supporting documentation. This is included.
– Profit Management & Asset Protection
If you are fortunate enough to be generating positive cash flow you need to protect it. Our affiliations with international financial service providers will give you another back end service to help you build your family legacy by allowing your profits to grow tax free in a secure and protected environment free from predators.
– More Protection as a ‘Faith Based Organization’
Having a solid PMA is strong enough on its own, but add to that having your business designated as an Auxiliary to an FBO and you now have the power of ‘Separation of Church and state’ working for you. More on this in other materials.
– Top Level Business Consulting
It’s one thing to put a boiler plate document package together and sell it to the public. But once everything is created….then what? We’ll provide experienced business consulting to work with you in refining, or re-establishing your existing and/or new commercial relationships as well as exploring ways to put your existing company to use without jeopardizing your privacy and protections. We may even be able to help augment cash flow with some creative ideas to leverage your membership.
– The Benefits Package Investment
We have more details we’d like to share with you but to satisfy your curiosity let’s talk about the investment in this package. Looking at just the highlights as outlined above surely you’re thinking ‘This has to be expensive!’. No doubt that the value exceeds tens of thousands of dollars, especially in view of the business tax savings and personal tax savings you’ll have over the next 5. 10, 20 years! and that’s not counting compliance costs or the value of ease of management without having to report to your silent partner!
Bottom Line: The value of this package is far above $10,000 but we want to see as many people as possible who work hard like you, benefit. For that reason we want you to have it for only $3,950 plus we ask for a small bonus if estimated tax savings exceed $100k.
If you seek to add the benefits of being an Auxiliary to a Faith Based Organization which is an ‘exception’ to all of the IRC as per 26 USC § 508(c)(1)(a), add a donation of $450 to World Mission Church and agree to help support their outreach programs.
There is no better value on the internet.
To get started now: Click Here
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